Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 2

Another good day..
I'm starting to get to know all the kid's names and develop a bit of rapport with them. I'm enjoying the way Mr R teaches, it's so different to what I have been exposed to before, and I love it. Lots of fun.

Tomorrow I'm going to be doing my first actual teaching episode... all about the black plauge. It's damn freaky stuff!

I've found some crazy youtube videos that I'm going to show them - I know they'll like that.

I know Mr R will laugh at my lesson plan, but I'll have to do it for my liason.

All good so far.. sorry this is short, am trying to plan and had internet problems so it's taking me longer than it should!!

Later gaze...

1 comment:

Crazy P.C.A said...

Hey Zoz, Have a day off today, How am I spending it, reading your blog, of course. Glad your enjoying your teaching prac. Can't wait to hear how the rest of your week went. Love ya heaps Aunty Joce